Agency Owners, Service Providers, & Entrepreneurs Who Sell Online...
Agency Owners, Service Providers, & Entrepreneurs Who Sell Online...
Make More Money, Close More Clients, And Sell With Unshakable Confidence.
The ONLY way to take control of your finances and achieve financial freedom, is by knowing how to SELL correctly...
What if I could show you:
1. The EXACT sales formula that allows you to sell your offer without sounding pushy, needy, or like a used car salesman.
2. Why this sales process will give you the confidence to state the price & ask for the sale and handle objections (even when you don't know what to say).
3. How to find high-quality leads on demand, and prequalify them to avoid cold calling, rejection, and sounding clueless.
Make More Money, Close More Clients, And Sell With Unshakable Confidence.
 Advanced issues found
 Advanced issues found
The ONLY way to take control of your finances and achieve financial freedom, is by knowing how to SELL correctly...
What if I could show you:
1. The EXACT sales formula that allows you to sell your offer without sounding pushy, needy, or like a used car salesman.
2. Why this sales process will give you the confidence to state the price & ask for the sale and handle objections (even when you don't know what to say).
3. How to find high-quality leads on demand, and prequalify them to avoid cold calling, rejection, and sounding clueless.
I was NEVER going to share this.
This is a true story.
I've got to be honest with you, I never planned to teach sales.

In fact, it made me sick inside just thinking about it, because the only people I had seen teaching sales were using "high pressure sales tactics" and came across like a used car salesman...

I mean, even people I respected, like Grant Cardone, had training that was just so... pushy, and awkward... It just made you uncomfortable even having the conversation...

I will NEVER teach something like that, I told myself...

But, I noticed something over the past 3 years...

See before I got into this whole entrepreneurship game, I sold Insurance to businesses. The only way I knew how to sell was by trying the high pressure / used car salesman tactics...

---> It didn't work very well...

500 doors later, a bunch of ruined relationships, and 1 sale later... I was pretty depressed.

I knew there had to be a better way to sell... I just didn't know what it was...

But I was bound and determined to find it.

Fast forward 3 years, and I have sold over $2.5 million dollars worth of deals...

And you know how many times I had to use high pressure sales tactics or sound like a used car salesman?


What!? How?

Well an interesting thing happened...

I realized that people that had to resort to "high pressure" and "used car salesman" tactics were the ones that didn't understand HOW sales really worked...

Once I figured out and understood the FUNDAMENTALS of sales, selling became very simple.

This discovery changed my life, and was the "turning point" for me.

---> If you are anything like me, and hate high pressure sales and sounding needy, desperate, and pushy... then this is for you.

This page contains your ticket to confident selling, closing more sales, and happy clients.

Read it carefully. This is the exact formula that closed me over $2.5 million dollars in deals...
I was NEVER going to share this.
This is a true story.
I've got to be honest with you, I never planned to teach sales.

In fact, it made me sick inside just thinking about it, because the only people I had seen teaching sales were using "high pressure sales tactics" and came across like a used car salesman...

I mean, even people I respected, like Grant Cardone, had training that was just so... pushy, and awkward...

It just made you uncomfortable even having the conversation...

I will NEVER teach something like that, I told myself...

But, I noticed something over the past 3 years...

See before I got into this whole entrepreneurship game, I sold Insurance to businesses. The only way I knew how to sell was by trying the high pressure / used car salesman tactics...

---> It didn't work very well...

500 doors later, a bunch of ruined relationships, and 1 sale later... I was pretty depressed.

I knew there had to be a better way to sell... I just didn't know what it was...

But I was bound and determined to find it.

Fast forward 3 years, and I have sold over $2.5 million dollars worth of deals...

And you know how many times I had to use high pressure sales tactics or sound like a used car salesman?


What!? How?

Well an interesting thing happened...

I realized that people that had to resort to "high pressure" and "used car salesman" tactics were the ones that didn't understand HOW sales really worked...

Once I figured out and understood the FUNDAMENTALS of sales, selling became very simple.

This discovery changed my life, and was the "turning point" for me.

---> If you are anything like me, and hate high pressure sales and sounding needy, desperate, and pushy... then this is for you.

This page contains your ticket to confident selling, closing more sales, and happy clients.

Read it carefully. This is the exact formula that closed me over $2.5 million dollars in deals...
I want to make sure I am talking to the right person. Do you fall into one of the following?
Are you an entrepreneur that is an:

Agency Owner?

Service Provider?

Coach / Course Creator / Consultant?

That sells an offer between $500 and $15,000?

If you are, this is for you. That is who this is designed for.

Let me be clear! If you are:

Looking to start a software company...

Looking to start an eCom store...

Looking to sell and offer BELOW $500 or ABOVE $15,000...

This IS NOT for you. You can leave now.

I KNOW this works for exactly who I said it works for.

Almost All Entrepreneurs Have The Same Issues When It Comes To Selling:
Chances are, you are struggling with some of the same issues yourself.

And you may not even realize it...

If your SALES GOALS include:
  • ​Making more MONEY, controlling your income, and reaching FINANCIAL FREEDOM...
  • ​Having unshakable CONFIDENCE on sales calls, and never getting rattled even if you are interrupted, caught off guard, or don't have an answer right away...
  • ​Rapidly increasing your CLOSING percentage, and being able to increase your sales numbers without increasing the amount of calls. (And grow your business predictably)...
  • ​Instantly controlling the SALES CONVERSATION and knowing exactly what to say, without coming across as rude, pushy, demanding, or "salesy"...
  • Consistently being able to "get the yes" on the call, and not having to deal with the constant back and forth of calls and "I will think about it"...
  • ​Being able to HANDLE ALL OBJECTIONS clearly, and knowing exactly what to say even when you don't know the answer...
  • ​​ABOVE ALL, avoiding the high pressure sales methods and sleezy sales tactics to get the yes, but rather get the client to WANT to work with you...
Then you need to have a formula that allows for ALL those things to happen!
(Most sales formulas DON'T contain all the elements.)
As I am about to show you on this page,
If you just focus on fixing the costly mistakes most entrepreneurs make in sales, you are DAYS away from smashing your sales goals!
Here Are The 5 Main Mistakes Most People Make That Prevent Them From Selling Successfully:
1️⃣. They talk about 75% of the time (or more) giving the prospect COMPLETE control of the conversation, and making them want to hang up or leave as fast as possible...
This is the. singular. biggest. mistake. salesman. make.

Are you an introvert? Afraid of talking on the phone a lot? Not sure what to say?

GOOD! It means that you will talk less and let the prospect talk more!

Whoever talks most LOSES. (Sounds backwards, but it's true.)
2️⃣. They think they have to know everything about their product, and have every answer to a prospect's questions. If they don't, they assume the prospect won't buy from them...
Spoiler Alert: You DON'T need to have all the answers! In fact, sometimes it is BETTER that you don't!

I was talking to a guy whose sales team closes almost $500,000 a month, and he said that the "work from home moms" and "salesmen that know nothing about his product" had the BEST sales numbers...

Why? Because you DON'T need all the answers. You just need to know how to respond when you don't.
3️⃣. They talk all about their product, try to tell the prospect every reason WHY they need what they are selling, RATHER than listen to what the prospect actually WANTS, and making the prospect WANT what they are selling...
News Flash: We all do this. We think that in order for the prospect to buy they need to know all about our offer, and all the details of how awesome it is, and if they just know THAT, then they will for sure buy...


Even when we realize that we aren't suppose to do this, it can be so hard not to because it is our natural tendency. We don't know what else to say, so we just try to "feature sell" our offer.

Fixing this fatal error is one of the biggest ways to increase sales.
4️⃣. They get really nervous (practically terrified) when it comes to revealing the price and asking for the sale, and start to trip over their own words trying to justify it...
I get it... Revealing the price and asking for money can be INCREDIBLY intimidating. Naturally your body gets nervous and you start trying to talk your way into the sales... and it all falls apart.

However, it doesn't need to be.

There are simple questions and techniques leading up to the price that you can ask/do that allow price to be all but irrelevant, and ensure the prospect isn't going to give you an immediate no... allowing you to have time to breathe, and stay cool. (Trust me, I will show you how.) 
5️⃣. They try to handle objections AFTER the price is revealed, causing them to revert back to "high pressure sales tactics", sounding needy, and like a used car salesman...
What I am about to tell you goes AGAINST common thinking...

Here's how most sales calls go... "Start call, chit chat, talk about product, reveal price, objections, try to handle objections, prospect says they'll think about it, hang up."

Why? Because most people try to handle objections AFTER they reveal the price.

---> TOP salesman that crush it ELIMINATE all objections BEFORE the price is ever revealed.

Never heard of that? Well, that's probably because you aren't learning from people that are killing it.
👉 BONUS MISTAKE: They don't follow a sales psychology sales script so every call turns out different, and they never know what went right, what went wrong, or what they need to change...
Be honest, do you follow a sales script EVERY TIME you get on a sales call? Probably not...

And if you do, does that sales script follow sales psychology of a buyer? Exactly.

Most people don't. Which is why most people suck at sales.
Don't worry - you aren't alone...
Sales Tactics You May Have Tried That Didn't (or barely) Work.
  • Selling through trial and error of just "getting on more calls"
  • ​Cold Calling
  • ​High Pressure Sales Tactics (used car salesman style)
  • ​Tried to justify the price by showing them "how much value" is in the offer
  • ​​Offered a lower price (ew no, stop it. You don't need to do this...)
  • ​​Offered a payment plan
  • ​Offered "time to think about it" and never heard back from them
  • ​Switched traffic sources
  • ​Tried buying leads
  • ​Launched a sleek looking website
  • ​Put "Expert ________" in your social media bio
  • ​Tried to add "credibility" to your title
  • ​Attended live events
  • ​​Tried to sell other things
  • ​Talked more about your offer to make it sound more appealing
  • ​Bought "Grant Cardone Swag" (That'll do it!)
  • ​You've tried about everything you can think of... and it doesn't work
---> Effective Sales has almost NOTHING to do with where the leads come from, whether or not they know who you are, or the price of what you are selling.
Do you want a Sales Formula that will allow you to:

- Make more money
- Close more clients
- Be more confident on sales calls
- Easily handle objections
- Help you know exactly what to say

If so, I can help.
Now I Realize I Have Made Some Pretty Bold Claims...
Let me quickly introduce myself, then show you the formula:

I'm Josh Forti.

4 years ago, I worked at a job selling life and health insurance to businesses.

---> Well, I should say I "tried to sell"...

After 500 attempts... I made 1 sale...

And when you are making a few hundred bucks a week + commissions, 1 sale means you are not making very much money... I was poor. lol

---> After over a year of REALLY struggling to make sales (and there were nights I would literally cry from being so frustrated), I knew SOMETHING had to change.

I started going to the library and studying books on how to sell. (Yeah, I literally couldn't even afford to buy all the books I wanted.) It took me over a year (yes really), but I finally started making progress.

I quit my job and went full time into selling social media services. I was the salesman for my business.

In the first 3 months I sold just 1 deal...

But the next month - 2 deals.

And the next month - 5 deals. (Averaging $1,500 to $15,000!)

---> I had "cracked the code". (it still needed perfecting, but I was well on my way.)

In next 3 years, I went on to sell over $2.5 MILLION dollars in sales for myself and clients.

Here's a few screenshots to show some proof.
I quickly learned an important lesson about sales...
No Sales = No Freedom
Let's get real here for a second...
One of the worst feelings in the world is not having enough money...

When you can't control your finances, you really can't control much of the rest of your life...

But what's even worse... is not knowing HOW to make more money, or WHERE your next dollar is going to come from...

Everything else in life just kinda... stops. You get depressed, worried, and even self doubt and negativity start to creep in.

Sales = Freedom.

---> If you can learn to sell, you will never lack freedom.

Why? Because sales brings in CASH. It controls your income. It gets clients. It grows the business.

Getting good at sales is getting good at controlling your life!

"Okay Josh, I get it... I suck at sales now, so what's the answer? I want to get good at it."

Alright, I'm going to show you the answer, but first I want to show you real results that I personally have been able to achieve when I learned sales... I don't just talk about this stuff. I live it.
What Results Has This "Exact Sales Formula + Script" Actually Generated?
Using this sales formula, I personally have:
✔️ Closed $2.5 Million dollars in deals.

✔️ Built over 2 dozen sales systems.

✔️ Sold 2 companies. (excluded from the $2.5M total)

✔️ Trained over 50 entrepreneurs in the art of selling.

✔️ I have sold over 25 DIFFERENT offers in industries including:
   - Coaching
   - Consulting
   - Agency Services
   - Social Media Growth
   - Social Media Management
   - eCommerce
   - Graphic Design
   - MLM Products
   - Real Estate
   - Financial Services
   - Chatbot Services
   - JV Deals
   - PR Deals
   - Funnel Services
   - Photography
   - Health & Fitness
   - Life & Health Insurance
   - And more...

✔️ Sold to and done deals with:

   - CEOs, (Including Grant Cardone)
   - CMOs,
   - Company Executives (Including Dave Woodward & Todd Dickerson)
   - Business Owners,
   - Celebrities, (Including Brittney Spears' boyfriend, Sam Asghari)
   - Entrepreneurs,
   - Freelancers,
   - Startups,
   - Stay-At-Home Moms,
   - and more...
All using the SAME Sales Formula.
Let Me Explain What This Formula Is, And WHY It Works: (It'll Work For You Too)
See, I use a sales method that is as old as dirt. (Seriously.)

It isn't sexy. It isn't "new and fancy". If it was an object, it certainly wouldn't be in a Tai Lopez video...

But it works. Over, and over, and over again.

It never fails me.

No matter what I sell, no matter who I talk to, if I am selling something between $1,000 - $20,000, I do the same thing.

Why? Because it follows the sales psychology of humans.

I am NOT trying to "high pressure sell" anyone...

---> I am simply showing them that what I have, is exactly what they want and need.

I call it the "The CGSC Method". (If I listened to most (broke) internet marketers, I should probably come up with a more sexy name for that. But sexy name doesn't = results.)

CGSC = Control, Gather, Setup, Close.

Each of these is a "selling fundamental" in the process of sales.

"How to give yourself the ability to control the sales conversation, with limited talking on your end."
Every single conversation has someone that controls it.

If that person ISN'T you, you WILL lose the sale. Period.

The thought of "controlling the conversation" sounds intimidating and pushy... (because that's how most people do it...)

But once you understand how it works, it's the most relieving part of sales.

The reason you struggle with confidence on sales calls is because you don't control the conversation.

The best part? The prospect actually likes this better, because it allows THEM to talk more...

"How to gather EVERY piece of information you need from your prospect so you ALWAYS know what to say."
Most salesman talk 70% of the time or more on the sales call.

Let me save you from a LOT of misery in sales...

He/She who talks most LOSES.

You ever fear tripping over your words? Not knowing an answer to a question that was asked? Or sounding annoying?

Most salesman do. BUT that is because you are talking too much!

When you gather information, you don't trip over your words, you don't have awkward questions, and you're building firepower to eliminate objections.

Why? Because your prospect is giving you all the information you need.

Once you master how to do this, sales changes forever.
"How to perfectly position yourself and your prospect for closing, and eliminates 95% of objections instantly."
One of the single greatest mistakes salesman make is going right from "learning about the prospect" and "chatting details" to revealing the price and trying to close.

There is a crucial part that almost no one teaches or explains.

The setup.

The setup is gives you the ability to clearly explain only the parts about your offer the prospect needs to know in order to get them to say yes. Nothing more.

It is where the prospect talks themselves OUT of objections, and gives you reasons why they need your offer.

When done correctly, the setup makes "closing" effortless and simple.

See most salesman try to handle objections AFTER the price is revealed...

This leads to "objection, objection, objection" right after you state the price, catching you off guard, and forcing you into "defense mode".

Inserting the "setup" phase in the process puts the prospects defenses down, their wallets open, gets them ready to move forward.

It's almost like cheat mode, except in real life. (it's my secret weapon when it comes to sales.)
"How to make closing your prospects a breeze, regardless of price, without high pressure or awkwardness."
There is an old saying out there that says:

"Cash isn't for salesman. Cash is for CLOSERS".

You ability to make money, land more clients, and grow your business directly correlates to your ability to CLOSE the deal.
The CGSC methods closes more deals than ANY OTHER sales training I have seen.

There is a lot of competition out there. A lot of options for your prospects to choose from.

If you want to make money and grow your business, it is absolutely crucial you get them to choose you.

The CGSC Method will make sure you can do that.
Sales is NOT AS HARD or scary as people make it out to be. You CAN Sell - BUT:
I want to be fully honest an transparent with you...
Anyone CAN sell. Literally anyone. I don't care if you are old, young, shy, happy, sad, tall, short, man, woman, introverted, extroverted, nervous. IT DOESN'T MATTER. Anyone can sell.

BUT - There are 3 things one must learn to do in order to sell. (This is true for everyone.)

1. You have to actually solve a problem for your prospect with your offer. (So simple a 5 year old can do it. I'll show you.)

2. You have to be willing to shut up and LISTEN. (Shocking, but most people have a hard time with this.)

3. You have to apply (at least some of) the laws of sales psychology. (You don't have to be an expert at it, and you don't have to apply them all. But you at least need to cover the basics... and anyone can do it.)

That is it. Those are the 3 things almost EVERY sales person that struggles with sales fails to do.

It sounds simple, but it is the key.

If you follow the formula I use and just laid out, doing these things becomes incredibly simple
So Here's The Question: Is learning this sales formula, and perfecting a sales strategy worth $50,000?
I apparently thought so...

Here is an actual list of all of the things I have spent money on to learn sales...
(I actually called my accountants and had them send reports so I could get real numbers...

👉 Events:

$4,700 Sales Events (on tickets alone - doesn't include airfare / hotels)

👉 Mentors:

$38,500 (1-on-1) Sales Mentorship.

$10,800 - (Group) Sales Mentorship 

👉 Courses / Trainings / Books:

$3,878 - Sales trainings course, sales books, and workshops.

Plus COUNTLESS hours practicing on sales calls, testing advertising, creating content, and more...

In total, I PERSONALLY have spent over $57,800 learning about sales.
And that doesn't include travel expenses, or time invested...

And what did it get me?
$2,500,000 worth of deals closed...
I would say it was worth it... (More proof below)
Oh, and the students that I have worked with seem to feel the same way about learning from me.
Justin Paid Me $5,000
Made double (actually triple) his money back in 30 days...
Daxy Paid Me $5,000
Made more than that in 30 days. AND still had more sales to go!
Alex Engar got into a program of mine early when it first opened up... (he took action!)
He's only payed me roughly $1,500 total... Here are his results...

Alex Engar

When I met Josh, I got on a phone call with him, and he laid out a formula for me, very step by step... so I did that.

A year and a half later... my business partner and I have closed $115,000 in sales from what Josh has taught us.

There is nothing special about what I do... it's just following success! I mean, I work from my kid's bedroom. If I can do this, you cant too. 

If you're thinking about working with Josh, do yourself a favor and do it.

Josh, thank you for what you have done for me and my family. My family owes you.
Want to leverage the time, money, and effort I spent learning about sales... WITHOUT paying $57,800 (or even $5,000)?
For a limited time, I have a special offer for you...

Here's a quick recap of what this $57,800 in sales training has done for me:
  • I have closed $2.5 Million dollars in deals.
  • ​Built over 2 dozen sales systems.
  • ​Sold 2 companies. (excluded from the $2.5m dollar total)
  • Trained over 140 entrepreneurs in the art of selling.
  • ​Sold over 25 DIFFERENT $1,000 - $25,000 offers in over 17 industries.
  • ​Sold and done deals with CEOs, CMOs, Company Executives, Business Owners, Celebrities, Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Startups, and more.
If you are ready to master sales, and take control of your income and business growth...
I want to invite you to join "Selling With Confidence" at a STUPID low price...
Leverage my sales knowledge and experience, and let me "hold your hand" to help you make more money, close more clients, the master core fundamentals of how to confidently sell your offer to anyone.
At the beginning of this page I asked you a question...

"What if I could show you the EXACT sales formula that allows you to sell your offer without sounding pushy, needy, or like a used cars salesman..."


"Why this sales process will give you the confidence to state the price & ask for the sale, handle objections, (even when you don't know what to say)."
When you invest in "Selling With Confidence" you'll receive:
  • ​The CGSC Sales Method: Step By Step Formula that will allow you to start closing deals consistently, master your income and grow your business. $2.5M ($497 Value)
  • The Secrets Of Sales Psychology: Dissecting the sales process so that you can understand ethical laws of persuasion and decision making, and what makes people buy. ($497 Value)
  • Understanding The Buyer: Inside the head of your prospect, so you can figure out what it is that is holding them back, and what it is they are actually after. ($297 Value)
  • ​The "Sales Confidence Creator": Creating unshakable confidence in sales, so you never have to worry about not knowing what to say, or feeling overwhelmed during sales calls. ($297 Value)
  • ​The Objections Handler War Chest: A war chest full over responses on how to overcome any objection you run into (constantly updated when we get requests). ($397 Value)
  • "The Sale Cheatsheet": Key points & phrases to remember in every sales call, so you never have to worry about remembering what to say. ($197 Value)
  • ​Instantly upgrade your inner circle: Access to the "private student FB Group". Network with all the other students, share struggles, and bounce ideas off each other. ($497 Value)
  • DIRECT ACCESS TO JOSH Via LIVE Training Calls: Attend monthly calls with Josh Forti and get all your sales questions answered, have Josh tweak your script, and more! ($5,000 value!)
I want to personally work with you, and ensure you have success in sales!
Total Value: $7,579
What information and sales techniques do you think you could learn from someone who lives and breathes sales every month, who is constantly reinvesting back in learning and scaling, and updates his trainings almost monthly?
But let me sweeten the deal...
I never want you to worry about finding clients, or scheduling calls with them...

I also never want you to feel lost, or not know what to say on a sales call... and I know that following a proven script can be helpful...
So when you invest today, I am going to immediately UPGRADE your order 100% FOR FREE!
Free Bonus #1:
Social Media Secrets Workshop
$197 Value!
This 4.5 hour training covers everything you need to be able to understand, grow, and prospect clients on social media. Get quality leads on demand and eliminate cold calling and awkward conversations forever!
Free Bonus #2:
Plug & Play Lead Generation Funnel
$497 Value!
This plug and play template is an actual funnel we used to generate client leads from social media from a business that did $50,000+ months.
One click, change some copy, the leads are rolling in. It's that simple.
Free Bonus #3:
My EXACT $2.5M
Sales Script
$197 Value!
This is the exact sales script that I used to close over $2,000,000 in sales. It follows the CGSC method. You'll never have to guess what comes next. Just look at the script and say the words! (You'll get instant access!)
$891 In FREE Bonuses when you invest in Sales Fundamentals Today!
Now I could stop there. That's a sweet offer plus $891 in bonuses:
But is it okay if I over deliver? When you invest today, I'll also throw in...
  • High Ticket Systems Creation Masterclass: The step by step process I use to create sales systems. ($197 Value!)
  • "Phone-Free Closing": The exact process my business partner used to close over 6-figures in deals without EVER getting on the phone. ($197 Value)
My "Are You Kidding Me" No Brainer Offer:

With this offer, you have EVERYTHING you need to: Make More Money, Close More Clients, and Scale Your Business.
Recap Of What You'll Get:
  • ​The CGSC Sales Method: Step By Step Formula that has closed $2.5M ($497 Value)
  • The Secrets Of Sales Psychology: Dissecting The Sales Process ($497 Value)
  • Understanding The Buyer: Inside the head of your prospect. ($297 Value)
  • ​The "Sales Confidence Creator": Creating Unshakable Confidence In Sales. ($297 Value)
  • ​The Objections Handler War Chest: How to handle any objection you run into. ($397 Value)
  • The "Sale Cheatsheet": Key points & phrases to remember in every sales call. ($97 Value)
  • Instantly upgrade your inner circle: Access to the "private student FB Group" ($497 Value)
  • ​DIRECT ACCESS TO JOSH Via Weekly Training Calls: Attend monthly calls with Josh Forti and get all your sales questions answered, have Josh tweak your script, and more! ($5,000 value!)
  • Social Media Secrets Workshop: 4.5 hours of training on everything you need to grow and prospect successfully on social media. Eliminate cold calling & get high quality leads ($197 Value)
  • Plug & Play Lead Generation Funnel: Immediately start generating leads & booking calls from social media with a proven "plug and play" sales funnel template. Click. Edit. Go.  ($497 Value)
  • My PERSONAL $2.5M Sales Script: Receive instant access to the script I personally use to close deals and that follows the sale psychology formula that closed me $2.5m in deals. ($197 Value)
  • High Ticket Systems Creation Masterclass: The step by step process I use to create sales systems. ($197 Value!)
  • "Phone-Free Closing": The exact process my business partner used to close over 6-figures in deals without EVER getting on the phone. ($197 Value)
Total Value: $8,854!
Price It Will Eventually Be: $5,000!
Your Cost Today: Just $597!!!
30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.
Listen, You've Got Two Choices:
1. Stay Right Where You Are...
You can stay right where you are and worry about where your next sale is going to come from, stay confused with the sales process, and wonder when you will ever get ahead in your business and finances...
2. Invest. Take Action. Gain Confidence. Dominate Sales.
When you invest today, you are investing in yourself. You are learning how to master one of the single greatest skill you can have. You can finally take control of your business and personal finances.
The choice is yours... what are you going to do?
I want to make sure I am talking to the right person. Do you fall into one of the following?
Are you an entrepreneur that is an:

Agency Owner?

Service Provider?

Coach / Course Creator / Consultant?

That sells an offer between $500 and $15,000?

If you are, this is for you. That is who this is designed for.

Let me be clear! If you are:

Looking to start a software company...

Looking to start an eCom store...

Looking to sell and offer BELOW $500 or ABOVE $15,000...

This IS NOT for you. You can leave now.

I KNOW this works for exactly who I said it works for.

Almost All Entrepreneurs Have The Same Issues When It Comes To Selling:
Chances are, you are struggling with some of the same issues yourself.

And you may not even realize it...

If your SALES GOALS include:
  • ​Making more MONEY, controlling your income, and reaching FINANCIAL FREEDOM...
  • ​Having unshakable CONFIDENCE on sales calls, and never getting rattled even if you are interrupted, caught off guard, or don't have an answer right away...
  • ​Rapidly increasing your CLOSING percentage, and being able to increase your sales numbers without increasing the amount of calls. (And grow your business predictably)...
  • ​Instantly controlling the SALES CONVERSATION and knowing exactly what to say, without coming across as rude, pushy, demanding, or "salesy"...
  • Consistently being able to "get the yes" on the call, and not having to deal with the constant back and forth of calls and "I will think about it"...
  • ​Being able to HANDLE ALL OBJECTIONS clearly, and knowing exactly what to say even when you don't know the answer...
  • ​​ABOVE ALL, avoiding the high pressure sales methods and sleezy sales tactics to get the yes, but rather get the client to WANT to work with you...
Then you need to have a formula that allows for ALL those things to happen!
(Most sales formulas DON'T contain all the elements.)
As I am about to show you on this page,
If you just focus on fixing the costly mistakes most entrepreneurs make in sales, you are DAYS away from smashing your sales goals!
Here Are The 5 Main Mistakes Most People Make That Prevent Them From Selling Successfully:
1️⃣. They talk about 75% of the time (or more) giving the prospect COMPLETE control of the conversation, and making them want to hang up or leave as fast as possible...
This is the. singular. biggest. mistake. salesman. make.

Are you an introvert? Afraid of talking on the phone a lot? Not sure what to say?

GOOD! It means that you will talk less and let the prospect talk more!

Whoever talks most LOSES. (Sounds backwards, but it's true.)
2️⃣. They think they have to know everything about their product, and have every answer to a prospect's questions. If they don't, they assume the prospect won't buy from them...
Spoiler Alert: You DON'T need to have all the answers! In fact, sometimes it is BETTER that you don't!

I was talking to a guy whose sales team closes almost $500,000 a month, and he said that the "work from home moms" and "salesmen that know nothing about his product" had the BEST sales numbers...

Why? Because you DON'T need all the answers. You just need to know how to respond when you don't.
3️⃣. They talk all about their product, try to tell the prospect every reason WHY they need what they are selling, RATHER than listen to what the prospect actually WANTS, and making the prospect WANT what they are selling...
News Flash: We all do this. We think that in order for the prospect to buy they need to know all about our offer, and all the details of how awesome it is, and if they just know THAT, then they will for sure buy...


Even when we realize that we aren't suppose to do this, it can be so hard not to because it is our natural tendency. We don't know what else to say, so we just try to "feature sell" our offer.

Fixing this fatal error is one of the biggest ways to increase sales.
4️⃣. They get really nervous (practically terrified) when it comes to revealing the price and asking for the sale, and start to trip over their own words trying to justify it...
I get it... Revealing the price and asking for money can be INCREDIBLY intimidating. Naturally your body gets nervous and you start trying to talk your way into the sales... and it all falls apart.

However, it doesn't need to be.

There are simple questions and techniques leading up to the price that you can ask/do that allow price to be all but irrelevant, and ensure the prospect isn't going to give you an immediate no... allowing you to have time to breathe, and stay cool. (Trust me, I will show you how.) 
5️⃣. They try to handle objections AFTER the price is revealed, causing them to revert back to "high pressure sales tactics", sounding needy, and like a used car salesman...
What I am about to tell you goes AGAINST common thinking...

Here's how most sales calls go... "Start call, chit chat, talk about product, reveal price, objections, try to handle objections, prospect says they'll think about it, hang up."

Why? Because most people try to handle objections AFTER they reveal the price.

---> TOP salesman that crush it ELIMINATE all objections BEFORE the price is ever revealed.

Never heard of that? Well, that's probably because you aren't learning from people that are killing it.
👉 BONUS MISTAKE: They don't follow a sales psychology sales script so every call turns out different, and they never know what went right, what went wrong, or what they need to change...
Be honest, do you follow a sales script EVERY TIME you get on a sales call? Probably not...

And if you do, does that sales script follow sales psychology of a buyer? Exactly.

Most people don't. Which is why most people suck at sales.
Don't worry - you aren't alone...
Sales Tactics You May Have Tried That Didn't (or barely) Work.
  • Selling through trial and error of just "getting on more calls"
  • ​Cold Calling
  • ​High Pressure Sales Tactics (used car salesman style)
  • ​Tried to justify the price by showing them "how much value" is in the offer
  • ​​Offered a lower price (ew no, stop it. You don't need to do this...)
  • ​​Offered a payment plan
  • ​Offered "time to think about it" and never heard back from them
  • ​Switched traffic sources
  • ​Tried buying leads
  • ​Launched a sleek looking website
  • ​Put "Expert ________" in your social media bio
  • ​Tried to add "credibility" to your title
  • ​Attended live events
  • ​​Tried to sell other things
  • ​Talked more about your offer to make it sound more appealing
  • ​Bought "Grant Cardone Swag" (That'll do it!)
  • ​You've tried about everything you can think of... and it doesn't work
---> Effective Sales has almost NOTHING to do with where the leads come from, whether or not they know who you are, or the price of what you are selling.
Do you want a Sales Formula that will allow you to:

- Make more money
- Close more clients
- Be more confident on sales calls
- Easily handle objections
- Help you know exactly what to say

If so, I can help.
Now I Realize I Have Made Some Pretty Bold Claims...
Let me quickly introduce myself, then show you the formula:
I'm Josh Forti.

4 years ago, I worked at a job selling life and health insurance to businesses.

---> Well, I should say I "tried to sell"...

After 500 attempts... I made 1 sale...

And when you are making a few hundred bucks a week + commissions, 1 sale means you are not making very much money... I was poor. lol

---> After over a year of REALLY struggling to make sales (and there were nights I would literally cry from being so frustrated), I knew SOMETHING had to change.

I started going to the library and studying books on how to sell. (Yeah, I literally couldn't even afford to buy all the books I wanted.) It took me over a year (yes really), but I finally started making progress.

I quit my job and went full time into selling social media services. I was the salesman for my business.

In the first 3 months I sold just 1 deal...

But the next month - 2 deals.

And the next month - 5 deals. (Averaging $1,500 to $15,000!)

---> I had "cracked the code". (it still needed perfecting, but I was well on my way.)

In next 3 years, I went on to sell over $2.5 MILLION dollars in sales for myself and clients.
I quickly learned an important lesson about sales...
No Sales = No Freedom
Let's get real here for a second...
One of the worst feelings in the world is not having enough money...

When you can't control your finances, you really can't control much of the rest of your life...

But what's even worse... is not knowing HOW to make more money, or WHERE your next dollar is going to come from...

Everything else in life just kinda... stops. You get depressed, worried, and even self doubt and negativity start to creep in.

Sales = Freedom.

---> If you can learn to sell, you will never lack freedom.

Why? Because sales brings in CASH. It controls your income. It gets clients. It grows the business.

Getting good at sales is getting good at controlling your life!

"Okay Josh, I get it... I suck at sales now, so what's the answer? I want to get good at it."

Alright, I'm going to show you the answer, but first I want to show you real results that I personally have been able to achieve when I learned sales... I don't just talk about this stuff. I live it.
What Results Has This "Exact Sales Formula + Script" Actually Generated?
Using this sales formula, I personally have:
✔️ Closed $2.5 Million dollars in deals.

✔️ Built over 2 dozen sales systems.

✔️ Sold 2 companies. (excluded from the $2.5M total)

✔️ Trained over 50 entrepreneurs in the art of selling.

✔️ I have sold over 25 DIFFERENT offers in industries including:
   - Coaching
   - Consulting
   - Agency Services
   - Social Media Growth
   - Social Media Management
   - eCommerce
   - Graphic Design
   - MLM Products
   - Real Estate
   - Financial Services
   - Chatbot Services
   - JV Deals
   - PR Deals
   - Funnel Services
   - Photography
   - Health & Fitness
   - Life & Health Insurance
   - And more...

✔️ Sold to and done deals with:

   - CEOs, (Including Grant Cardone)
   - CMOs,
   - Company Executives (Including Dave Woodward & Todd Dickerson)
   - Business Owners,
   - Celebrities, (Including Brittney Spears' boyfriend, Sam Asghari)
   - Entrepreneurs,
   - Freelancers,
   - Startups,
   - Stay-At-Home Moms,
   - and more...
All using the SAME Sales Formula.
Here's Proof! (See Images)
Let Me Explain What This Formula Is, And WHY It Works:
See, I use a sales method that is as old as dirt. (Seriously.)

It isn't sexy. It isn't "new and fancy". If it was an object, it certainly wouldn't be in a Tai Lopez video...

But it works. Over, and over, and over again.

It never fails me.

No matter what I sell, no matter who I talk to, if I am selling something between $1,000 - $20,000, I do the same thing.

Why? Because it follows the sales psychology of humans.

I am NOT trying to "high pressure sell" anyone...

---> I am simply showing them that what I have, is exactly what they want and need.

I call it the "The CGSC Method". (If I listened to most (broke) internet marketers, I should probably come up with a more sexy name for that. But sexy name doesn't = results.)

CGSC = Control, Gather, Setup, Close.

Each of these is a "selling fundamental" in the process of sales.

"How to give yourself the ability to control the sales conversation, with limited talking on your end."
Every single conversation has someone that controls it.

If that person ISN'T you, you WILL lose the sale. Period.

The thought of "controlling the conversation" sounds intimidating and pushy... (because that's how most people do it...)

But once you understand how it works, it's the most relieving part of sales.

The reason you struggle with confidence on sales calls is because you don't control the conversation.

The best part? The prospect actually likes this better, because it allows THEM to talk more...

"How to gather EVERY piece of information you need from your prospect so you ALWAYS know what to say."
Most salesman talk 70% of the time or more on the sales call.

Let me save you from a LOT of misery in sales...

He/She who talks most LOSES.

You ever fear tripping over your words? Not knowing an answer to a question that was asked? Or sounding annoying?

Most salesman do. BUT that is because you are talking too much!

When you gather information, you don't trip over your words, you don't have awkward questions, and you're building firepower to eliminate objections.

Why? Because your prospect is giving you all the information you need.

Once you master how to do this, sales changes forever.
"How to perfectly position yourself and your prospect for closing, and eliminates 95% of objections instantly."
One of the single greatest mistakes salesman make is going right from "learning about the prospect" and "chatting details" to revealing the price and trying to close.

There is a crucial part that almost no one teaches or explains.

The setup.

The setup is gives you the ability to clearly explain only the parts about your offer the prospect needs to know in order to get them to say yes. Nothing more.

It is where the prospect talks themselves OUT of objections, and gives you reasons why they need your offer.

When done correctly, the setup makes "closing" effortless and simple.

See most salesman try to handle objections AFTER the price is revealed...

This leads to "objection, objection, objection" right after you state the price, catching you off guard, and forcing you into "defense mode".

Inserting the "setup" phase in the process puts the prospects defenses down, their wallets open, gets them ready to move forward.

It's almost like cheat mode, except in real life. (it's my secret weapon when it comes to sales.)
"How to make closing your prospects a breeze, regardless of price, without high pressure or awkwardness."
There is an old saying out there that says:

"Cash isn't for salesman. Cash is for CLOSERS".

You ability to make money, land more clients, and grow your business directly correlates to your ability to CLOSE the deal.
The CGSC methods closes more deals than ANY OTHER sales training I have seen.

There is a lot of competition out there. A lot of options for your prospects to choose from.

If you want to make money and grow your business, it is absolutely crucial you get them to choose you.

The CGSC Method will make sure you can do that.
Sales is NOT AS HARD or scary as people make it out to be. You CAN Sell - BUT:
I want to be fully honest an transparent with you...
Anyone CAN sell. Literally anyone. I don't care if you are old, young, shy, happy, sad, tall, short, man, woman, introverted, extroverted, nervous. IT DOESN'T MATTER. Anyone can sell.

BUT - There are 3 things one must learn to do in order to sell. (This is true for everyone.)

1. You have to actually solve a problem for your prospect with your offer. (So simple a 5 year old can do it. I'll show you.)

2. You have to be willing to shut up and LISTEN. (Shocking, but most people have a hard time with this.)

3. You have to apply (at least some of) the laws of sales psychology. (You don't have to be an expert at it, and you don't have to apply them all. But you at least need to cover the basics... and anyone can do it.)

That is it. Those are the 3 things almost EVERY sales person that struggles with sales fails to do.

It sounds simple, but it is the key.

If you follow the formula I use and just laid out, doing these things becomes incredibly simple
So Here's The Question: Is learning this sales formula, and perfecting a sales strategy worth $50,000?
I apparently thought so...

Here is an actual list of all of the things I have spent money on to learn sales...
(I actually called my accountants and had them send reports so I could get real numbers...

👉 Events:

$4,700 Sales Events (on tickets alone - doesn't include airfare / hotels)

👉 Mentors:

$38,500 (1-on-1) Sales Mentorship.

$10,800 - (Group) Sales Mentorship 

👉 Courses / Trainings / Books:

$3,878 - Sales trainings course, sales books, and workshops.

Plus COUNTLESS hours practicing on sales calls, testing advertising, creating content, and more...

In total, I PERSONALLY have spent over $57,800 learning about sales.
And that doesn't include travel expenses, or time invested...

And what did it get me?
$2,500,000 worth of deals closed...
I would say it was worth it...
Oh, and the students that I have worked with seem to feel the same way about learning from me.
Justin Paid Me $5,000
Made double (actually triple) his money back in 30 days...
Daxy Paid Me $5,000
Made more than that in 30 days. AND still had more sales to go!
Alex Engar got into a program of mine early when it first opened up... (he took action!)
He's only payed me roughly $1,500 total... Here are his results...

Alex Engar

When I met Josh, I got on a phone call with him, and he laid out a formula for me, very step by step... so I did that.

A year and a half later... my business partner and I have closed $115,000 in sales from what Josh has taught us.

There is nothing special about what I do... it's just following success! I mean, I work from my kid's bedroom. If I can do this, you cant too. 

If you're thinking about working with Josh, do yourself a favor and do it.

Josh, thank you for what you have done for me and my family. My family owes you.
Want to leverage the time, money, and effort I spent learning about sales... WITHOUT paying $57,800 (or even $5,000)?
For a limited time, I have a special offer for you...

Here's a quick recap of what this $57,800 in sales training has done for me:
  • I have closed $2.5 Million dollars in deals.
  • ​Built over 2 dozen sales systems.
  • ​Sold 2 companies. (excluded from the $2.5m dollar total)
  • Trained over 140 entrepreneurs in the art of selling.
  • ​Sold over 25 DIFFERENT $1,000 - $25,000 offers in over 17 industries.
  • ​Sold and done deals with CEOs, CMOs, Company Executives, Business Owners, Celebrities, Entrepreneurs, Freelancers, Startups, and more.
If you are ready to master sales, and take control of your income and business growth...
I want to invite you to join "Selling With Confidence" at a STUPID low price...
Leverage my sales knowledge and experience, and let me "hold your hand" to help you make more money, close more clients, the master core fundamentals of how to confidently sell your offer to anyone.
At the beginning of this page I asked you a question...

"What if I could show you the EXACT sales formula that allows you to sell your offer without sounding pushy, needy, or like a used cars salesman..."


"Why this sales process will give you the confidence to state the price & ask for the sale, handle objections, (even when you don't know what to say)."
When you invest in "Selling With Confidence" you'll receive:
  • ​The CGSC Sales Method: Step By Step Formula that will allow you to start closing deals consistently, master your income and grow your business. $2.5M ($497 Value)
  • The Secrets Of Sales Psychology: Dissecting the sales process so that you can understand ethical laws of persuasion and decision making, and what makes people buy. ($497 Value)
  • Understanding The Buyer: Inside the head of your prospect, so you can figure out what it is that is holding them back, and what it is they are actually after. ($297 Value)
  • ​The "Sales Confidence Creator": Creating unshakable confidence in sales, so you never have to worry about not knowing what to say, or feeling overwhelmed during sales calls. ($297 Value)
  • ​The Objections Handler War Chest: A war chest full over responses on how to overcome any objection you run into (constantly updated when we get requests). ($397 Value)
  • "The Sale Cheatsheet": Key points & phrases to remember in every sales call, so you never have to worry about remembering what to say. ($197 Value)
  • ​Instantly upgrade your inner circle: Access to the "private student FB Group". Network with all the other students, share struggles, and bounce ideas off each other. ($497 Value)
  • DIRECT ACCESS TO JOSH Via LIVE Training Calls: Attend monthly calls with Josh Forti and get all your sales questions answered, have Josh tweak your script, and more! ($5,000 value!)
I want to personally work with you, and ensure you have success in sales!
Total Value: $7,579
What information and sales techniques do you think you could learn from someone who lives and breathes sales every month, who is constantly reinvesting back in learning and scaling, and updates his trainings almost monthly?
But let me sweeten the deal...
I never want you to worry about finding clients, or scheduling calls with them...

I also never want you to feel lost, or not know what to say on a sales call... and I know that following a proven script can be helpful...
So when you invest today, I am going to immediately UPGRADE your order 100% FOR FREE!
Free Bonus #1:
Social Media Secrets Workshop
$197 Value!
This 4.5 hour training covers everything you need to be able to understand, grow, and prospect clients on social media. Get quality leads on demand and eliminate cold calling and awkward conversations forever!
Free Bonus #2:
Plug & Play Lead Generation Funnel
$497 Value!
This plug and play template is an actual funnel we used to generate client leads from social media from a business that did $50,000+ months.
One click, change some copy, the leads are rolling in. It's that simple.
Free Bonus #3:
My EXACT $2.5M
Sales Script
$197 Value!
This is the exact sales script that I used to close over $2,000,000 in sales. It follows the CGSC method. You'll never have to guess what comes next. Just look at the script and say the words! (You'll get instant access!)
$891 In FREE Bonuses when you invest in Sales Fundamentals Today!
Now I could stop there. That's a sweet offer plus $891 in bonuses:
But is it okay if I over deliver? When you invest today, I'll also throw in...
  • High Ticket Systems Creation Masterclass: The step by step process I use to create sales systems. ($197 Value!)
  • "Phone-Free Closing": The exact process my business partner used to close over 6-figures in deals without EVER getting on the phone. ($197 Value)
My "Are You Kidding Me" No Brainer Offer:

With this offer, you have EVERYTHING you need to: Make More Money, Close More Clients, and Scale Your Business.
Recap Of What You'll Get:
  • ​The CGSC Sales Method: Step By Step Formula that has closed $2.5M ($497 Value)
  • The Secrets Of Sales Psychology: Dissecting The Sales Process ($497 Value)
  • Understanding The Buyer: Inside the head of your prospect. ($297 Value)
  • ​The "Sales Confidence Creator": Creating Unshakable Confidence In Sales. ($297 Value)
  • ​The Objections Handler War Chest: How to handle any objection you run into. ($397 Value)
  • The "Sale Cheatsheet": Key points & phrases to remember in every sales call. ($97 Value)
  • Instantly upgrade your inner circle: Access to the "private student FB Group" ($497 Value)
  • ​DIRECT ACCESS TO JOSH Via Weekly Training Calls: Attend monthly calls with Josh Forti and get all your sales questions answered, have Josh tweak your script, and more! ($5,000 value!)
  • Social Media Secrets Workshop: 4.5 hours of training on everything you need to grow and prospect successfully on social media. Eliminate cold calling & get high quality leads ($197 Value)
  • Plug & Play Lead Generation Funnel: Immediately start generating leads & booking calls from social media with a proven "plug and play" sales funnel template. Click. Edit. Go.  ($497 Value)
  • My PERSONAL $2.5M Sales Script: Receive instant access to the script I personally use to close deals and that follows the sale psychology formula that closed me $2.5m in deals. ($197 Value)
  • High Ticket Systems Creation Masterclass: The step by step process I use to create sales systems. ($197 Value!)
  • "Phone-Free Closing": The exact process my business partner used to close over 6-figures in deals without EVER getting on the phone. ($197 Value)
Total Value: $8,854!
Price It Will Eventually Be: $5,000!
Your Cost Today: Just $597!!!
30 Day Satisfaction Guarantee.
Listen, You've Got Two Choices:
1. Stay Right Where You Are...
You can stay right where you are and worry about where your next sale is going to come from, stay confused with the sales process, and wonder when you will ever get ahead in your business and finances...
2. Invest. Take Action. Gain Confidence. Dominate Sales.
When you invest today, you are investing in yourself. You are learning how to master one of the single greatest skill you can have. You can finally take control of your business and personal finances.
The choice is yours... what are you going to do?
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